Following the clues…

Today I baked bread from scratch.  This is a bit of a milestone for me, as I have traditionally preferred to bake from boxes.  You know, just add an egg or two, oil, mix and you’re all set!  But this time I wanted to give baking bread a go.  I watched a few videos, got the ingredients and baking pans I needed and set off on my baking adventure.  Turns out there was very little physical work that needed to be done, and instead it mostly required having the patience to wait for results.  Ahhh good ‘ole patience.

I’ve watched every episode of “The Great British Baking show,” (this show is a delight, and I highly recommend it) and yet until today I didn’t own a bread pan.  But, as you’ve probably gathered, I’m a big believer in continually reinventing yourself.  A couple of posts ago, I talked about paying better attention to what excited you.  To not let the constant influx of social media or noise distract you from paying attention to what gets you excited or intrigued.

So this month I followed my intrigue.  I decided to discover if it was just the show I enjoyed or if I might enjoy baking too.  I started small, by baking some cookies.  They weren’t bad, and I enjoyed the process. Intrigued, I then moved on to scones and biscuits.  They weren’t all winners but it turns out that even if they were “meh” I still felt satisfied and incredibly delighted by the process.  I was simply following a clue I had discovered about myself and seeing where it took me.

Aren’t we fascinating creatures?  There is so much to us, and yet we often get lost in the mundane.  What interests you may not interest anyone else around you.  Who cares!  Follow that clue and see where it takes you.  My clue isn’t making me want to open a bakery, but it has created a new self care activity I am pumped to continue exploring.

Follow your intrigue.

Take care of YOU.


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